Product Improvement

How to increase the quality, value and sales of any product or service

When most companies want to increase their sales, they typically look to add more marketing avenues.

They look for more traffic... ways to increase their exposure on social media... better video marketing... better mobile marketing... marketing tricks and hacks that promise big results but rarely deliver... and dozens of other marketing tactics.

But the most effective way to grow your sales has nothing to do with new marketing avenues. Because the most reliable way to substantially increase your sales is by making just one or two improvements to your existing product or service.

Improving your existing product or service is far more profitable
than chasing after new marketing strategies

Any time you test a new marketing strategy, you always run a huge risk. Marketing that may have worked in another industry — and even your own industry — often fails when you try to use it for your business.

That's because you never know for certain if something new will work, at least not until you've tested it. And by then it's too late because you've already wasted a considerable amount of time and money.

But when you improve an existing product or service, those problems are eliminated. Why? Since your existing product or service already has a proven track record of sales, you know in advance that it's a winner.

So if you can make it a bit better... a bit easier to use... more efficient... more cost effective... more fun to use... or easier for your customers to benefit from, you know in advance that your improved version will sell well.

Can my Product Improvement Process have a major impact
on the sales of your product or service?

The fact is that the features of any product or service can be improved to produce an immediate increase in sales of 30% or more. And it's easy enough to find out if my Product Improvement Process will work for your product or service.

I offer a free Product Improvement Evaluation that will tell you for certain whether or not my process can improve your product in a way that results in substantially more sales. In order to get this free evaluation, you'll need to meet these two requirements:

  1. You must have a product or service with a track record of success
  2. You should have annual revenue of at least $250,000

To schedule your Product Improvement Evaluation, just send me the information below by filling in and submitting the form. All information will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Once I receive your information, I'll get back to you within 24 hours to schedule a time that's mutually convenient to conduct your Product Improvement Evaluation.

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